University of Leeds
William Kunin (Professor of Ecology; Deputy Head of School);
Email: W.E.Kunin@leeds.ac.uk;
Webpage: https://biologicalsciences.leeds.ac.uk/school-of-biology/staff/98/professor-william-kunin
University of Reading
Simon Potts (Professor; School of Agriculture, Policy & Development);
Email s.g.potts@reading.ac.uk;
Webpage: https://www.reading.ac.uk/apd/staff/s-g-potts.aspx
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Claire Carvell (Senior Ecologist);
Email: ccar@ceh.ac.uk;
Webpage: https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/claire-carvell
Rothamsted Research
James Bell (Professor of Entomology)
Email: j.r.bell@keele.ac.uk ;
Webpage: James Bell – Keele University
Alice Milne (Agricultural Systems Modeller – Spatial Statistician);
Email: alice.milne@rothamsted.ac.uk;
Webpage: Alice Milne | Rothamsted Research